Cloud 9 Smoke, Vape, & Hookah Co. Kennesaw

Transform your cash into digital assets effortlessly with our Bitcoin ATMs. Keep your ID, crypto wallet, and phone handy for a hassle-free transaction.

3600 Cherokee St NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144

Mon-Sun: 10:00 am - 12:00 am


How to Buy Bitcoin
from Our Bitcoin ATM

How to Sell Bitcoin
at our Bitcoin ATM

How much can I Buy?

Up to $25,000 every 24 hrs

What do I need to use the machine?

Valid photo ID, your phone, and a crypto wallet. Don’t have a wallet, just download one here. A wallet is where you store your crypto.

How much can I Withdraw?

This varies from machine to machine, but when you visit one it will tell you how much is available.

How do I redeem a Promo Code?

Check out this video!
